Jepsen’s Favorite Pizza Crust
Servings: One 18 inch diameter pizza crust
Who doesn’t like pizza? It’s a nearly universal food that has more variations than one can count. One thing all pizza has in common though is crust! There are many different kinds of crust, from super-thin-and-crispy, to thicky and bready. Here is one of our favorite pizza crusts. If the recipe looks familiar, its because we use this same recipe to make a loaf of bread. This crust is hearty and thick, but neither overly fluffy or dense. Give it a try!
2 cups whole red wheat flour
1 Tbsp. yeast
1-2 Tbsp. chia seed (optional)
2 Tbsp. sugar
1/4 cup vital gluten (exclude for thinner crust)
1 egg
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 1/2 cup milk (warmed)
Kneaded dough, ready to roll
Ready to cook! 1/2 cheese (because our daughters won’t eat any other toppings, and chicken with mushrooms and fried onions.
Crimp edges to form the outer crust
Out of the oven and ready to eat!